Our Members

A carefully curated community

On one side, rising entrepreneurs

With a fiery mission, working on scaling the impact of their venture.

On the other side, senior leaders

Aiming to channel their experience and resources towards more impact.

Membership criteria

Before one can join Long Term Society, our team is in touch with each person to ensure they meet these criteria:

Leadership role: as rising entrepreneur or senior decision maker.

Track record: actively working on long-term impact.

European: born in Europe, moved to Europe or European abroad.

Why people join

To find structural time for long-term thinking.

To expand their network with long-term leaders.

To not feel the odd one out anymore.

"It would take me 5 years to find all the interesting people I've met via Long Term Society."

Bruno Iserbyt, Financial Philosopher - Forum Ethibel

Our shared values

We celebrate diversity. Our differences in age, gender, background and expertise makes us stronger. However, these core beliefs bind us together:

We have a long-term mindset and use it as a compass in our career.

We generously help each other to turn our mindset into action.

We believe asking deep questions leads to meaningful change and conversations, not to polarization.

How to join Long Term Society

Everything starts with a short call to get to know each other.

Learn more