About us

We pivot the zeitgeist to long-term thinking

The problem: Myopia

Myopia describes the narrow focus on immediate concerns or short-term goals while neglecting or ignoring the broader, long-term perspective.

As a leader, you're confronted with a world obsessed by short-term effects, such as quick fixes to complex problems, immediate responses to social media trends, and a focus on short-term gains at the expense of long-term sustainability.

Being a leader and long-term thinking is not a contradiction

Our members prove that implementing long-term thinking in your leadership can lead to succes and wellbeing in your organisation, your personal life and for society at large.

The bigger picture

Society faces a number of major global challenges. Approaching them with a short-term mindset would lead to catastrophy in the long term.

In the IEEE paper “Control for Societal-scale Challenges: Road Map 2030” these 5 global challenges are examined:

  • Climate Change
  • Healthcare and wellbeing
  • Future Proof Infrastructure Systems
  • Transformation of ownership in the economy
  • Resilience of Societal-Scale Systems

As scientists and activists collect data and assess potential scenarios, it's organisations — whether business, nonprofit, or governmental — who implement change.

Transform yourself

Long Term Society assists leaders with a long-term perspective in making a greater impact. We achieve this by creating safe spaces where they can connect with like-minded leaders. Our events provide them with inspiration and connections.

By checking in monthly, we turn long-term thinking into a leadership habit.

"Transforming my business asks a lot of focus. Still I have learned it is important to press pause and make time for the time to come."

Barbara Seynaeve, Founder Tekst + Beeld

Transform society

Long Term Society aims to pivot the European zeitgeist to long-term thinking, fostering a value-driven economy. In this economy, organizing and leading are synonymous with creating life.

We believe leading an organisation means creating life.

Our Founders

Fredo has been working for a decade as a curator at the intersection of innovation, entrepreneurship, and society.

He organised conferences and exhibitions across Europe, is writing a second book and is primarily a father of 2 children.

Ask him anything about Italo Disco.


Rutger is product designer and engineer by heart.

He also serves as CEO of Conversation Starter, the platform that powers our events.

He's devoted to engineering software that maximises the impact of our events, online and offline.


Powered by tailor-made technology

Long Term Society works in partnership with Conversation Starter on engineering a next-generation events platform, aimed at enhancing both the impact and fun of our online and offline events.

We achieve this by leveraging advanced planning and recommendation algorithms, along with carefully designed features for facilitating and following up on conversations.

Invest your time, pay what you can

Long Term Society is carefully curated, enabled by paid memberships.

To embrace diversity we use a pay-what-you-can approach. This means you can choose the membership fee that fits your needs and current financial situation.

Explore our activities

16 events per year to face the challenges of long-term impact together.

Learn more